

Innovators are everywhere, but they need a little push from someone who knows what it takes to make their dreams come true.

That's where our mentors come in—shaping the future by empowering innovators around the world with their wisdom and experience.

If you've ever had the privilege of meeting a mentor who changed your life, you know how important mentors can be. Mentors help us find our path and shape us for the future by showing us what's possible.

They're the ones who help us get unstuck and show us how to make things happen. And they do it with such enthusiasm that we can't help but be swept up in their excitement for what's next. We know that great mentors shape great startups.

We also know that these mentors are often overlooked when it comes to awards and recognition.

That's why we're putting them front and center as we celebrate the people that make our communities strong and healthy.


Open application for anyone who wants their work recognized by their peers as part of our mission to empower innovators everywhere.

Nominate someone:
If you know someone who has helped you achieve your goals or been an inspiration to you (or someone else), nominate them here!

We want to hear your stories about what makes your mentor great.
Nominate yourself:
Are you a mentor who is committed to change the world around them?

Bold Vision 150 wants you.